Launch day intention

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.– Marcus Tullius Cicero

It’s traditional for a yoga class to start with a teacher guiding you to have a dedication or intention for your practice. So today, as an 18-year practicing yogi, launching the business of my dreams, my intention is gratitude. For without all the people and unexplainable forces of nature, I wouldn’t be here today. So thank you to…

The universe
For giving me the skills, creativity, and perseverance to create a living at what I love doing. For creating a situation that forced me to look at change while putting the right people in my life, at the right time.

Jonah, awesome son, and hopefully one day, CFO, COO and director of a Tembo foundation.
Thank you for endless nights of “what do you think”, being IT guy, proof reader, finance organizer, logistics king, best moral support and recruiting the best models ever. Sorry, no thank you for the name ‘Zim-bag-we”.

Laura, friend and neighbor
Thank you for persevering through even more endless nights of “what do you think”. Directing and producing on location and  home-grown "shitty rigged shoots. Seriously couldn't look so fab without you.

Naved, a tremendous friend turned family
Without you, Tembo wouldn’t be legal. Thank you so much for making it real.

Cath, Breg, Joy and Cambell, terrific Tembo models and darn good peeps.
God you guys are gorgeous and so generous to dedicate your time to make Tembo look fab!

Zahida, founder of Artisan Sewing Coop
Whose partnership based on trust, love and gentleness is so special to me.

Nivedita, founder of Wishwas
Whose energy, drive and support empowers me to be better and do better as I begin my Tembo journey.

All the people that touch my life
family, friends, neighbors, fellow dog walkers and even perfect strangers.
Thank you all so much! I couldn’t be here today without all the help, support, kind words and encouragement from you. You’ve made my wildest dreams become reality.

Now let’s do this!

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